Batter Bakery

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Happy 6th Birthday, Kiosk!

Six years ago, I slid open the glass door of this tiny (29 square feet!) kiosk space with SO MUCH excitement it was indescribable. My first retail space, smack in the middle of the financial district! We'd built shelves, branded the back of the counter, purchased jars and display pieces. I probably didn't sleep the night before, baking and packaging everything up for sale, buzzing with excitement. I remember first customers that day (some of whom are still regular customers today!), friends coming to visit, and my brother there for opening before he went to work. The kiosk has now become a regular fixture downtown, that people recognize for being such a unique little structure.

We are so happy to have made the corner of Kearny and California a little bit sweeter for six years! Celebrate today with special treats, and stop by through Sept 15 for a baker's half dozen special!